
As leaders are promoted they get less positive feedback. In fact, feedback of any kind drops dramatically. Learn why this is detrimental to the individual and the organization:

In this video, we discuss a passive CEO case study, in which executive coaching helped a CEO become a better, more assertive leader.

This PowerPoint gives 15 Meeting Management tools to increase your meeting effectiveness & 4 tools for giving meeting management feedback.

Handling Difficult Conflicts requires a process that sets you up for success. Difficult conflicts require a preplanned approach with deliberate steps.

With knowledge of Conflict Management Styles, leaders can be more successful at navigating and resolving conflict.

4 Sources of Conflict make up most of the conflicts you will encounter. This PowerPoint will help you achieve conflict management mastery.

Executive coaching can help CEOs be more assertive through assessments and evaluation of beliefs and past experiences.

Passive CEOs can become less passive and more assertive when they work with an executive or leadership coach.

Whether you own your own business or are employed by a company, it is essential that you own what you are worth and then ask for it.

Leadership coaching can help all leaders become more assertive, however, sometimes you will need to remind yourself to be assertive.