If you’re on the fence about coaching, DO IT! It will be worth it!

KB Review

I began coaching with Katie from Donna Schilder Coaching in May 2020. Katie, I’m forever grateful that I met you, and words aren’t enough to describe how my life, personal development, and evolution as a human (and a woman) have been impacted. Katie helped me create a new, more positive perspective on life in general. She’s helped me live the life I’m here to lead. Having Katie as my coach helped me unlock doors in my life, both personally and professionally. Plus, Katie helped me see my blind spots and enabled me to enhance my awareness. Specifically, we worked on building employee engagement, improving company culture, effective communication, and navigating difficult conversations. I want to encourage those who may be struggling (like I was) to work with a coach and invest in yourself. If you’re on the fence about coaching, DO IT! It will be worth it!