Donna was fantastic at creating the space I needed to explore what was missing in my life as I started my own business, and helped me formulate a plan to get those holes filled. With Donna, I developed clarity about my life which has lasted many years beyond the year I worked with her. I count her as one of the reasons I am so happy in my life right now.  At the time, I needed a coach who was gentle and caring while helping me with everything from self-esteem to time management.

I have attended Seminars run by Donna. Also she was a guest speaker at Women Lawyers and her knowledge of how to increase your business is outstanding.

I took several classes from Donna and was in a networking group with her. She really knows her stuff and helps her clients know theirs and work toward their goals. I would love another class with her.

Donna helps you to clarify exactly what your goals are and implements a action plan for you to achieve them while keeping you focused on what is most important.

Wow, Donna is great, I worked with her for a short time, but boy did I get results. I am looking forward to working with her again next year. If you need that “neutral coach” she is the one to help wade through the much and get to the good stuff, you will not be disappointed!

Donna is an amazing coach and came into my life when I needed her the most. She is a positive force of nature who helped get me back on track both personally and professionally. Working with Donna is helping me re-discover my passion and purpose in life. She produces great results in a very short period of time and keeps me accountable for the success I choose to create. Donna’s serene demeanor and kind, calming presence is a welcome relief in this chaotic world we show up to every day. Coaching works but more importantly, Donna’s coaching works miracles!

Working with Donna has been an amazing experience for me. Not only did she help me meet some personal challenges, she has given me some amazing ideas to increase my business and help focus my efforts to ensure I’m creating the life I want. I highly recommend her.

“Donna is very efficient with our time so that I get the most from my Coaching Sessions. She keeps me on track so that I continually move forward in Marketing my business and implementing improvements to my business. And she seems to have all the answers.”

Donna is one of the most positive, affirming people that I have ever met. Working with her, has helped me find the best in myself. She has helped me to look at the smallest things in life, with a positive and grateful viewpoint. In the 6 months that I have worked with her, my sales have increased by about 40% and I am much, much happier.

I was introduced to Donna Schilder because of her known success working with senior clients who needed to find new purpose in their lives and for the benefit of their adult children whose lives may have become overshadowed by caregiving issues. She has contributed a new dimension to the support services I can offer to clients. In addition, I have used Donna as a business coach for my sole practice. She has pushed me into opportunities with techniques which were previously uncomfortable for me. Her guidance has been empowering. Donna’s optimistic personality is infectious.