“Katie is a gifted and masterful coach. I was fortunate to find her during a period of difficult decision making in my life.

She has been a true God-send providing support and bringing clarity to my thinking. Katie’s gift is creating a safe environment for me to discover my own path and then supporting that decision. She is funny and friendly and smart and that makes every call fun. Thank you Katie!”

“Chris is a great listener, she is great at offering suggestions and/or solutions. She also does a great job of being supportive and empathetic to what you are experiencing.”

“In today’s business world, having the benefit of an impartial, professional coach who listens and provides impactful feedback is always helpful. Coaching leads to better performance.”

“I interviewed several coaches before I started working with Ariana. I very much appreciate Ariana’s demeanor and coaching style; she’s very thoughtful, intuitive and supportive. I started working with her because I wanted to gain confidence, develop a personal style and strategies as an ad sales professional. Ariana has helped boost my confidence and helped me develop a voice in sales. Her coaching style always helps me get to the source of any issues I am facing and she’s able to provide solutions that help me stay focused and positive.”

“I had the pleasure to work with Katie recently and very much enjoyed my experience. Katie is professional, insightful and practical. My time with her helped me understand my true career interests and I learned how to highlight my experiences and tailor them to my interests. Katie’s approach to coaching is productive and inspiring. I would absolutely recommend Katie to anyone seeking guidance and direction in their career.”

“Through our Leadership Coaching work together I made progress toward all of my initial goals for Coaching. I now spend more time building relationships with my peers, staff, and superiors, which greatly benefit me in my work.

I have set aside time for strategic thinking and have used most of the strategic thinking tools you provided to me to shape my strategic thinking activities.

I recently sent my thoughts from one of those strategic thinking sessions to my boss and it was very impactful to our business.

I am also stronger at inspiring, recognizing, and encouraging my staff. And Coaching changed the way I look at myself and others in a positive way and impacted how I interact in meetings. I now do planning before most of my meetings and find that I am more successful at getting what I need for my department and in influencing others.

I also found documenting my Leadership Vision to be a very impactful activity and it led me to document the path I needed to follow to step into being the best leader I can be. I found your encouragement and ability to make me feel safe to be who I am, very helpful in our Coaching process and found Coaching to be everything I hoped it would be and more.”

“Donna brings a great many paradigms to bear in customizing a coaching engagement. She is very energetic, informed, patient and pragmatic. Her process is truly transformational. The path Donna created for me was exactly what I needed to move my career where I wished it to go.”

“You can’t put a price tag on the benefit one receives through Coaching. Working with you as my Coach helped me believe that I can lead at the top of an organization and to trust myself and my leadership skills more.

You created a sense of trust that I don’t have with most people so that I was able to talk about things openly. This allowed me to work on how I interact with people who are a challenge for me to interact with and find new, more successful ways to work with them. And helped me realize that not everyone is going to understand where I’m coming from, and that’s ok. You were a partner to help me see things differently in my work and in my personal life.

You also helped me negotiate the terms of my new job and successfully navigate the transition from one company to another. I found working with you as my Coach to be extremely helpful.”

“What I really love about your appearance on Dave’s podcast is that you sound so professional and so honest in the same time. It is a pleasure to listen.”

“I am seeing great benefit from Executive Coaching.  I am also noticing that the other leaders who are working with Executive Coaches are able to have more productive conversations with me and that they are changing for the better.”