Your Performance Appraisal Workshop greatly improved my ability to write effective comments on Performance Appraisals. The tool you provided is an invaluable reference.

This was the best training I’ve ever received here at PacifiCare and I’ve been here for 15 years.

Your training made my job easier because it raised the morale of my staff and gave them the information they need to do their jobs.

Your Survey Training was great. My direct reports want to create long surveys and then nothing ever gets done, but with your process improvement focus and short surveys we can start improving our processes right away. We need to apply these concepts.

I really feel I picked the right person to do this series of workshops on process improvement. You are able to illustrate the concepts with practical, real life examples which makes the material come alive for the participants. Also, your warmth creates a safe environment in which our facilitators are able to absorb the concepts and apply the tools you teach them.

One of my supervisors came back from your presentation very excited. She said a light bulb had gone off and for the first time she truly understood what she should be measuring in her processes and how to do it. Now that I’ve seen the presentation I can see why she was so excited. This is going to be tremendously helpful to me also.

Your presentation made process measurement easy and manageable so that everyone will apply these concepts and start measuring their processes.

Thanks again for being on our Panel and being so bright and positive. It takes someone with your genuine warmth to convey the ‘ask for the business’ concept to people like Geriatric Care Managers who are so centered around giving to others and not asking for what they need.

I’m great at making goals and lists, but I get stuck.  Now with you as my coach, I keep moving forward.  I step back and think about what I need to do, what is really critical, and then I have a productive day.  I also make sure I get the rest I need.  I’m glad to be living a more balanced and focused life.

What makes Donna special as a Coach is all the resources she provides.  I could never have put my hands on all the information and articles she provided to me to support me on my journey.