Donna is a very personable coach who genuinely cares about her client and the progress s/he is making toward his/her goal(s). I hired Donna to coach me on finding my career direction. The assessments and exercises she had me complete were helpful in determining logical career choices for me. She was helpful in pointing out things that I hadn’t considered. If you are considering becoming a coach yourself, I would recommend Donna as she is a good resource for coaching programs and the marketing/sales end of starting your own business.

In addition to her clients, Donna is also dedicated to her own professional development as she recently earned her MCC (master certified coach) certification.  Top Qualities: Personable, Expert, Good Value

Through the knowledge and support I’ve received through coaching I’ve become a more confident leader. . . . Having someone to talk to who is unbiased is invaluable.   Coaching has helped me understand what I do well as a leader and what I can improve.

Throughout the week I save up situations that don’t go smoothly and we review them to look for better decisions, language, and approaches.  We often role play, which helps because I’m learning by doing.  It’s specific, one-on-one learning for the specific skills I need.

Donna is a great coach who in a short period of time can get to the heart of a problem. She supported me through some difficult career issues with grace, warmth and strength. At the time I was ready to run but with her help I am now at peace with the problem and things have turned around! Her years of experience in HR, OD and training count.

Donna has helped me in many ways, including preparing me for an important job interview to support my job search. As a result of her coaching I was more confident during the interview, gave powerful & specific answers to the questions, and felt a sense of ease. Without her coaching I know that the interview would not have gone as well as it did, nor would I have felt as sure of myself. I am tremendously grateful for the coaching I received from Donna.

Donna provides excellent professional advice and guidance to help one navigate through today’s challenging job market! I absolutely recommend Donna to everyone.

Donna is an excellent Executive Coach and has really helped me grow professionally over the past year. Her experience and wisdom have really helped shape my perspective and skills. I’m far more comfortable now navigating the landscape of my career. The most important thing Donna has taught is stronger communication skills. I would strongly recommend Donna for anyone looking to learn new career/life skills. The investment will pay dividends.

Donna is great – she had us open our minds to think positively.

Donna makes you feel like a better person, just by being in her presence.

On behalf of HRMA, I would like to thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy schedules to come and present to the MIE Career Prep on Friday at CSULB. We really enjoyed the presentation about how to conduct a proper “Job Search.” Many members were told me how much they learned from the presentation and they really like the way you interacted with them. I really enjoyed the way you interact and involve with the audience, and I think your discussion, Q&A, and exercises were a great way to keep the students involved.