In Part 2 of this Expert Series on LinkedIn Laws of Attraction, let’s talk about ATTRACTION!

How do I attract the right person? Women obsess over it, makes millions from it, and a clever series of commercials starring a ripped Isaiah Mustafa have men dousing themselves in Old Spice over it. It seems there’s no simple answer – swig Scope, squeeze into your Spanx, pump iron – who knows what works.

But, REJOICE! In the world of LinkedIn, there is an answer.

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My recent Telecall with Garry for choice Magazine’s Multi-Media Series on ”6 Steps to a LinkedIn Profile that will ATTRACT Coaching Clients” was very well attended (682 callers). I think it was well attended because we as coaches know we need to be using LinkedIn to market our practices, but it feels overwhelming to actually do it. But luckily it isn’t really that hard, you just need someone to show you how!

In this Expert Series on the “LinkedIn Laws of Attraction,” I will cover how to ATTRACT potential clients to your LinkedIn Profile. That’s the first step in using LinkedIn to enroll more clients into your Coaching practice.

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The More Words the Merrier!

In Parts 2 and 3 of this Series, I talked about putting the right Keywords in the right places. But it’s important to add Keywords throughout your Profile, because that impacts the Search Algorithm too. And, it’s important that once someone clicks on your Profile it delivers an effective marketing message.

60% of LinkedIn users don’t have a complete Profile. This is a huge mistake!!! Having an incomplete Profile can hurt your reputation!!! If you have a blank or lackluster Profile, potential clients may reject you because you appear to be inexperienced, ineffective, or lazy.

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If you’re starting a new project, or a new business, in September, you’re in good company.

This is the month that moms and dads, recent grads and others decide to jump into a new endeavor or restart some project shoved aside in the summer months.

They need to balance this with the demands of their day job – and the boss may or may not be supportive of your Etsy shop or your new business. Yet these slash careers or side pursuits can make you “more rounded, develop additional skips, develop additional business relationships” and more, said Donna Schilder, a career coach who has had a string of side businesses, from editing and resume writing to an e-course on creating success through LinkedIn.

So as you ramp up your second income stream or an active volunteer activity, consider these five pointers:

1. Ask permission or ask forgiveness. Read up on your employer’s policies about outside jobs and interests. Find out whether you are expected to notify someone in HR or elsewhere. Then consider your direct supervisor’s views – if she’s laid back and involved in many community activities, she may not sweat your tiny start-up. Then decide whether to fly below the radar for a while, or be completely upfront and tell everyone what you’re working on from the start.

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FORTUNE — After LinkedIn announced this year’s lists of the most overused words in its profiles yesterday morning, an array of people pulled theirs up to see whether they flaunted their “creative,” “effective” “track records” a bit too much.

A few tweeted that they had none of the 10worn-outwords in their LinkedIn profiles. Many others, including LinkedIn’s (LNKD) co-founder, couldn’t say their profiles were clear of clichéd terms. . . .

“Instead of using adjectives to describe yourself, you want to illustrate it,” says Donna Schilder, a career and leadership coach who has a video series on how to use LinkedIn to give your career a boost. If you want to show you’re a “team player,” talk about the times you’ve led the team or supported the team. Use the word “we,” which is a good indicator that you are collaborative.

Schilder recommends that applicants include numbers when possible to show the size of their impact. If you don’t have specifics, you can often come up with a solid estimate of your impact.

One way to get to the specifics that grab a recruiter’s attention, Schilder says, is to answer questions such as “What impact did I have on the customer?” or “How have I helped increase sales or retain customers?”

“People don’t know their accomplishments until someone’s interviewing them,” she says.

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 I was quoted in the largest newspaper in Rio De Janeiro Brazil:  O Globo
RIO – Na última semana, o LinkedIn divulgou pesquisa com as palavras e expressões mais usadas nos perfis dos usuários, em 2011. “Criativo” foi o termo mais usado nos Estados Unidos, na Austrália, no Canadá, na Alemanha, na Holanda e no Reino Unido. A lista americana do site de empregos com 135 milhões de perfis públicos nos Estados Unidos ainda incluía expressões como “experiência extensa” e “resolução de problemas”.
Enquanto a pesquisa pode fazer com que alguns candidatos a emprego, consultores e outras pessoas revisem seus perfis, com a intenção de retirar os clichês, antes de eliminar as dez expressões e palavras-chave, vale a pena checar se alguma delas será usada por recrutadores que podem lhe interessar. Segundo reportagem da Fortune, especialistas sugerem que a pessoa cheque listagens de empregos na sua área ou posts que interessem, para procurar pelas palavras-chave mais usadas – e se neles estiverem incluídas essas palavras, talvez seja melhor deixá-las no perfil. . .
– Os recrutadores estão procurando por palavras que façam sentido para aquele setor – diz a diretora do LinkedIn.
Donna Schilder, coach americana que tem uma série de vídeos sobre como usar o LinkedIn para alavancar a carreira, afirma que, em vez de usar adjetivos para se descrever, o melhor é ilustrar as situações. Então, se a ideia é mostrar que lidera, fale sobre as vezes em que liderou um grupo. E use a palavra “nós”, para indicar que você é colaborativo.

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Your big job interview is just ahead, just hours away. You feel your stress levels rising, your thoughts scurrying around your brain fast and furious. Then, you stop yourself and ask: What should I be doing now?

If your big interview is scheduled for 2:00 p.m., you need a plan to make the most of the hours beforehand. Spend the time so you are calm, confident and prepared when you show up for the interview.  In an ideal world you might take the day off work or a half day, so you can focus on interview preparation and self-care. But even if you can only take an extra hour or so, use the time beforehand carefully.

What should you do?  I asked a career expert this question – DonnaSchilder, a leadership and career coach from Long Beach, California.

They shared plenty of suggestions, which I’ve synthesized into these five big ideas:

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If you’re working this week, you may have extra time for Facebook games or for long workouts at your gym. The week between Christmas and New Year’s can be a slow one in some corporate offices – and that can be a precious opportunity for some career climbing and creativity.Yes, you can and should use these dead days to liven up your work opportunities in 2012.
“It’s a great time of year to go out and do some informational interviews,” said Donna Schilder, a leadership, career and business coach in Southern California. “Talk to different department heads, especially those who are potential bosses, and ask about what issues they run into a lot or what they look for when they’re hiring someone.”
Schilder thinks the slow time is a great time to build the ramp to your next major project, or to measure the cost savings or other impacts of your last one. If you need some ideas on making the most of these rare slow times, read on :

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Use your skills to benefit others and yourself.

Need a Paying Job? Here are some Ways Volunteering Can Help:

Laid-off workers often become discouraged when they don’t land a new job right away. If you’re unemployed and looking for work, try channeling your angst into altruism and becoming a volunteer.

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