Entries by Donna Schilder

Joyful Cost Cutting Tips

  Cutting Costs on Shopping   Any Item:  Go to Froogle.com (created by Google). Type in any item and it will give you the lowest online price.   Prescriptions: Get discount drug coupons by going to:InternetDrugCoupons.com or the specific drug company website (just type in the name of the drug).   Groceries:  Have your groceries delivered (Albertsons.com) […]

Joyful Cost Cutting

  Like most Americans, my husband and I have been working on cutting costs.  We recently realized that we had allowed “budget creep” to increase our spending in the past few years and that our relationship with money could be healthier.     When we examined our business and personal expenditures, we found many ways […]

How Do You Define Success?

    I recently saw an episode of “The Nanny” in which a stay-at-home mom wasn’t spending any time playing with or talking to her kids.  The cameras documented the woman’s day.   In the morning she made bacon, eggs, pancakes, and orange juice from scratch and then did the dishes.  By the time she […]

Reducing Your Stress Through Acceptance

In previous articles we have discussed ways to eliminate tolerations in our lives.  Tolerations are situations we can change, but we also encounter unpleasant situations in our lives that we can’t change.  When change is impossible, we can reduce our stress by accepting the situation. You may have a physical limitation, a monetary limitation, a […]

Put Your Oxygen Mask on First

When you fly on an airplane, the flight attendant instructs you to “put your oxygen mask on first”, before helping others.  Why is this an important rule for ensuring survival?  Because if you run out of oxygen, you can’t help anyone else.

In life, it’s important to take care of yourself, so that you can take others.

Healthy Habit Restart Checklist

I’ve noticed that many of my clients, and I myself, have a hard time getting back into our good habits after a life event interrupts our routine.  It could be a vacation, getting sick, a death in the family, a wedding, taking an important exam, moving, or changing jobs. Whatever the event is, it often […]

Putting Your Health First

  What priority is your health?  Where are you spending your time?  Chances are, even if you tell yourself your health comes first, your actions don’t reflect that kind of commitment.   A first step in putting your health first is to create a vision of what you want your health to be like now, […]