Entries by Donna Schilder

Putting Your Health First

  What priority is your health?  Where are you spending your time?  Chances are, even if you tell yourself your health comes first, your actions don’t reflect that kind of commitment.   A first step in putting your health first is to create a vision of what you want your health to be like now, […]

Giving Meaningful Gifts

I have some ideas that will help you get through one of the toughest tasks of the year, Holiday shopping. I’m going to give you a way of thinking that will help you select meaningful gifts.  Then I will give you gift ideas that you can buy with just a few online clicks.  This is […]

Surviving Challenging Family Visits

  During the holidays, visits with your family can be challenging.  Here are some tips to help you create positive family visits.     1.  Communicate your boundaries prior to getting together.   If your cousin is always late for dinner, let her know you expect her to be there by six.  If she’s not there […]

Accepting Help When You Need It

  I knew I was going to die, as I clutched the steering wheel and screamed, “I don’t want to leave Drew!  I don’t want to leave Drew!”   I could see the other driver’s face directly in front of me when we collided, and then we both spun around several times, hitting each other […]

Life Planning for Couples

Imagine you’re trying to row a boat with your spouse and you’re both blindfolded, gagged, and have ear plugs in your ears.  Your spouse pulls one way, you pull another, you’re disoriented and you don’t know what direction you’re going in.  Even worse, you don’t know what direction you’re trying to go in. Would you […]

Prepare Your Mind for the Holidays

The holidays in Southern California are unique.  You can watch Boat Parades in your short-sleeved shirt, view the holiday lights of while riding in a Gondola, and stroll around the seaside villages while listening to carolers. Unique holiday experiences abound, but unfortunately, many of us self-generate so much stress during the holiday season we can’t […]

Ten Mood Lifters

  Sleep more (wake up naturally if possible) Take fish oil supplements List three things you’re grateful for Listen to uplifting music Get moving (aerobic exercise) Boost your serotonin level:  get 20 minutes of sunlight (with a hat but no sunglasses) Be more social Block your negative thoughts (when a negative thought pops into your […]