Entries by Donna Schilder

How to Live a More Luxurious Life Program

  Do You Want to Lead a Lusher, Richer, More Enjoyable Life?     Learn How to:   Soak in the Sights Drink in the Sounds Relish the Tastes Breathe in the Aromas Add the little touches that make a big difference Create a luxurious home environment   Image Courtesy : Master isolated images/FreeDigitalphotos.net    

Smile Your Way to Success

Smiling Create Motivation Scientists have proven that flexing the 26 muscles that it takes to smile, generates positive chemicals in our bodies. The resulting positive feelings may help you create greater success.   Happy moods lead people to be more venturesome and more open to others.  Happy people are also more highly motivated and more […]

Live Like a Buddhist Monk

Americans tend to live the opposite of a Zen lifestyle. We rush, multi-task, complicate, continuously move, crowd, and accumulate. We’re driven by calendars and to do lists. But even if we cannot fully embrace a Zen lifestyle, we can benefit from devoting regular time to live more like a monk. It could be a day, […]

Overcoming Lobsterphobia

  “All of us are born with a set of instinctive fears — of falling, of the dark, of lobsters, of falling on lobsters in the dark . . . ” Dave Barry     O.k., I’m not proud of it! Those of you who’ve been following my journey to overcome my fears, will note […]