How to Make the Most Out of Your Summer

Summer is about focusing on pleasure.  You probably can’t take the whole summer off like you did when you were a kid, but you can find rejuvenation and renewal in summer activities.
To ensure that you enjoy a variety of activities, try making a “Summer Pleasure Plan.”


Step One: Carve Out Time to Savor the Summer
You can’t enjoy the pleasures of summer if you don’t have time for them.  Here are some ways to find time in your schedule:
Cut down on time-consuming activities:

  • Reduce the frequency
  • Lower your standards for summer

Home improvement

  • Wait until fall


  • Get takeout
  • Simplify your meals
  • Grill


  • Take a day off
  • Take off early on Fridays
  • Work earlier hours to extend your summer evenings
  • Go in late so you can enjoy a beautiful summer morning

Step Two:  Overcome the Excuses
For those of you who are workaholics, you may be saying to yourself, that you don’t have time to fit in any summer fun.  Your boss is screaming for that past due project, the house is a mess, and you’re still trying to do your taxes for 2005.
Try looking at the benefits: if you feed your spirit with surf, sand, sun, and fun, you will have more energy and creativity to tackle your daily commitments.
Step Three:  Choose the Activities
One great way to get in touch with the spirit of summer is to access your inner child.  Nothing will release the tensions of every day life like throwing a Frisbee or floating on a raft.
Here are some ideas for your summer activities:
Find Joy in the Activities of Childhood

  • Fly a kite
  • Throw a Frisbee
  • Blow bubbles
  • Have a water balloon fight
  • Float on a raft
  • Build a sand castle
  • Slip and slide (not recommended for those of us over 40)

Engage in Water Activities

  • Go to the beach
  • Swim
  • Surf
  • Kayak
  • Sail
  • Fish
  • Bike

Create Sumptuous Outdoor Meals

  • Eat in your yard, at the park, at the beach
  • Grill vegetables, meats, and even fruit
  • Go for a picnic


  • Lay in a hammock
  • Take a nap
  • Pull out those “People” Magazines and get caught up on the latest gossip

Enjoy Your Garden

  • Plant some fragrant plants
  • Smell the roses
  • Watch the humming birds and butterflies

Step Four:  Make a “Summer Pleasure Plan”
Create a list of summer activities of your choice, then schedule them by putting dates on the list, putting them on your calendar, or adding them to your Outlook Calendar.  Your “Summer Pleasure Plan” will help you ensure that you engage in a variety of summer pleasures and that you really make time to have fun.

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