Once you take your Values in Action (VIA) Survey of Character Strengths, you can brainstorm ways to use your Top 5 Values in your current work on in another career. Using your Values in Action in your work will lead to you being more fulfilled and gratified by your work, and ultimately happier. 

Your Donna Schilder Coach is specially trained to help you identify tasks, projects, jobs, and hobbies that utilize your Top 5 Values in Action.

The list below is meant to stimulate ideas for careers that use your Values in Action and is not intended to be a comprehensive list.

Here are some careers and hobbies that may utilize specific VIA Character Strengths. Download the list HERE

Creativity, Ingenuity, and Originality

  • Composer
  • Musician
  • Decorator
  • House Stager for Real Estate
  • Industrial/Commercial Office Space Designercareers that utilize specific VIA Character Strengths
  • Furniture Buyer
  • Fine Art Painter
  • Process Improvement Consultant
  • Private Investigator
  • Writer

Judgment, Critical Thinking, & Open-mindedness

  • Attorney or Judge
  • Actuary
  • Engineer
  • Business Consultant
  • Arbitrator

Curiosity & Interest in the World

  • Research Analyst
  • Business Analyst
  • Archeologist
  • Social Scientist
  • Market Research Analyst
  • Economist
  • Crime Investigator

Love of Learning

  • Professor
  • Executive Coach or Academic Coach
  • Historian
  • Learning & Development Manager
  • Science or Health Researcher

Wisdom Perspective

  • Strategic Analyst or Consultant
  • Business Consultant
  • Executive Writer
  • Executive Coach
  • Venture Capitalist

Bravery & Valor

  • Fire Fighter
  • Policeman
  • Military
  • FBI Agent or CIA Agent
  • Coast Guard
  • Homeland Security
  • Public speaker

Industry, Diligence, and Perseverance

  • Private Investigator
  • Genealogist
  • Marathoner
  • Construction Worker
  • Physical Therapist

Honesty, Authenticity, & Genuineness

  • Teacher
  • Professor
  • Ethics Teacher
  • Public Speaker

Zest, Enthusiasm, Energy

  • Personal Trainer
  • Health Club Owner
  • Activity Director for a Cruise Ship, Senior Center
  • Camp Counselor

Capacity to Love & Be Loved

  • NICU Nurse
  • Elementary School, Junior High, Preschool Teacher
  • Professor
  • Priest, Pastor
  • Volunteer helping battered wives
  • Volunteer at a children’s summer camp
  • Volunteer to read books to children at the library

Kindness & Generosity

  • Nurse
  • Hospice Nurse
  • Gerontologist or Gerontology
  • Case Worker
  • Customer Service Representative
  • Kindergarten Teacher
  • Teacher Volunteer at a Hospital
  • City Greeter
  • Concierge

Social Intelligence

  • Sales
  • Professional Conflict Mediator
  • Arbitrator
  • Leader
  • Meeting Facilitator
  • Customer Service Representative
  • Psychotherapist
  • Psychiatrist
  • Life Coach
  • Concierge
  • Sports Coach

Forgiveness & Mercy

  • Pastor or Priest
  • Write a book on forgiveness
  • Anger Management Trainer

Modesty & Humility

  • Nun
  • Teacher, Professor

Caution, Prudence, & Discretion

  • Safety Inspector
  • Counselor
  • Quality Assurance Analyst
  • Actuary

Self-Control & Self-Regulation

  • Karate Instructor
  • Elementary School Teacher
  • Personal Trainer
  • Physical Therapist

Appreciation of Beauty & Excellence

  • Art Historian
  • Museum Curator
  • Art Restoration
  • Museum Docent
  • Gardener
  • Landscape Architect
  • Architect
  • Musician


  • Pastor or Priest
  • Teach People how to be Grateful
  • Life Coach
  • Motivational Speaker

Hope, Optimism, and Future-mindedness

  • Grief Support Group Leader
  • Cancer Support Group Leader
  • Social Worker
  • Psychotherapist
  • Life Coach
  • Strategic Planner
  • Executive

Humor & Playfulness

  • Comedian
  • Standup Comedy Writer
  • Screenwriter
  • Advertising
  • Copywriter
  • Blogger

Spirituality, Sense of Purpose, Faith

  • Pastor/Priest/Rabbi/Nun
  • Holistic Healer
  • Meditation Teacher
  • Yoga Instructor
  • Motivational Speaker
  • Teacher, Professor
  • Bible Study
  • Teacher Volunteer

Citizenship, Teamwork, and Loyalty

  • Patient Advocate
  • School Board Member
  • Congressman
  • Project Manager
  • Volunteer

Fairness, Equity, & Justice

  • Judge
  • Ombudsman
  • Conflict Mediator
  • Patient Advocate
  • Activist Referee
  • Employee Relations
  • Labor Relations
  • Union Steward
  • Lobbyist


  • Supervisor, Manager, Director, Executive
  • Technical Lead
  • Elected Official
  • Sports Coach
  • Cross-Functional Team Leader
  • Project Manager
  • Business Owner

Download List HERE

Be the Leader you’ve always wanted to be!

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With Our Consultations Coach: Chris Sier, PCC (BIO)
With Our Consultations Coach: Chris Sier, PCC